Home >> Contact information
You can contact us and book your accommodation
by using the phone numbers listed below. Reservations are finalized upon the advanced payment
of an amount that corresponds to a two (2) night - stay, using PayPal, or our bank identification number for a transfer specific to the Serbian dinar (RS DIN) currency.
IMPORTANT NOTE: Advanced payment is NOT mandatory. However, it is the only way to assure that your accommodation is RESERVED, and will not be circumstantially rented to another customer.
Vujicic Zorka
Herceg Novi, Montenegro:
Landline: +382 31 331 774 Mobile: +382 69 041 332
Vujicic Zoran
Aveiro, Portugal:
Mobile: +351 91 287 614
Advanced payment methods
You do not need a PayPal account for this type of payment. Paypal accepts MasterCard, Visa and American Express card transfers.
For a short instruction on how to finalize the advanced payment, please proceed to payment instruction page.
Serbian dinar (RS DIN) account transfer:
Banca Intesa
Zoran Vujičić
Bank identification number (BIN/NIB):
Vujicic Accommodation • Herceg Novi, Montenegro