Vujicic Accommodation • Herceg Novi, Montenegro

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Home >> Mobile networks

Three mobile network providers offer their services in Montenegro: m:tel , T-Mobile and Telenor. For financial reasons, we strongly advise buying a prepaid SIM card of either one of the aforementioned three operators. SIM cards are available in almost all newspaper stands across the country, for the price of up to 5 Euros (same amount of credit included). The choice among the operators, and the special packages they offer, will depend on the trade-off between the quality and price that conforms to your specific needs - the following key notes should help you make the most fitting choice:


All three operators offer great coverage throughout the coast of Montenegro. However, should your traveling plans include remote and rural parts of the country, and necessitate the best network coverage that the country has to offer, we are inclined to suggest Telenor as the operator of choice.

    Call pricing:

Telenor - "Tourist prepaid" package
(SIM card price: 3 €, credit included: 3 € ):

Cheapest calls to international destinations in the market, with the price of 0.56 € per minute.
In addition, the package allows international calls for just 0.16 € per minute to numbers of mobile operators belonging to the Telenor global group, such as: Telenor Serbia, Telenor Hungary, Telenor Norway, Telenor Sweden, Telenor Denmark, KYIVSTAR Ukraine.
The price of calls per minute to numbers of all remaining mobile operators in
Serbia and Bosnia & Herzegovina is 0.26 €.
The price of calls per minute to all mobile and landline numbers in Montenegro is 0.14 €. The price per MMS is 0.3 €, while GPRS per 100 kB of data transfer is charged by 0.05 €.

m:tel - "m:go turist" package
(SIM card price: 3 €, credit included: 3 € ):

Cheapest m:tel prepaid package for international calls. The price for international calls is 0.7 € per minute.
Cheapest calls (mobile and landline) in the market to mt:s numbers in Serbia and m:tel numbers in Republika Srpska, with 0.18 € per minute. The price of calls to numbers of the remaining operators in Serbia is 0.3 € per minute.
The price of calls per minute to all mobile and landline numbers in Montenegro is 0.14 €. The price per MMS is 0.25 €, while GPRS per 100 kB of data transfer is charged by 0.06 €.

T-Mobile - "Holiday prepaid" package
(SIM card price: 5 €, credit included: 5 € ):

Cheapest T-Mobile prepaid package for international calls within the region. The price of calls to numbers of all the operators in Serbia is 0.19 € per minute, in Bosnia & Herzegovina and Macedonia is 0.5 €, in Croatia and Albania is 0.66 €.
The price for international calls is 1.12 € per minute for Europe, Canada and USA, and 1.78 € for the rest of the world.
The price of calls per minute to T-Mobile mobile and landline numbers in Montenegro is 0.12 €, and 0.17 € for the remaining operators.
The package offers free access to social networks Facebook and Vkontakt. By charging your SIM card with additional 5 € of credit you get 500 MB of free data transfer for the next 7 days.

• Free emergency numbers:
122 Police
123 Fire-fighters
124 Ambulance
112 International number for emergency calls

    SMS pricing:

• Telenor - "Tourist prepaid" package - the price of SMS to international numbers is 0.12 €, while those sent within Montenegro and to Serbia cost 0.03 €.

• m:tel - "m:go tourist" package - the price of SMS to international numbers is 0.12 €, while those sent within Montenegro and to Serbia (mt:s) and Republika Srpska (m:tel) cost 0.03 €. SMS to Serbia within Telenor or VIP cost 0.07 €.
"Hello one" package allows the cheapest SMS in market towards mt:s in Serbia and m:tel in Republika Srpska, for 0.01 €

• T-Mobile - "Holiday prepaid" package - the price of SMS to international numbers is 0.12 €, while those sent within Montenegro and to Serbia cost 0.03 €.
However, the package allows the choice of up to 5 numbers for free SMS, within any of the following countries: Serbia, Macedonia, Bosnia & Herzegovina, Russia, Albania, Ukraine, Germany, Poland or Czech Republic.

*All the prices outlined on this page are with the tax included.

You can verify the credit status on your prepaid mobile SIM card, by dialing:
• m:tel : 788
• T-Mobile: 1212
• Telenor: 147

Travel information Travel around Herceg Novi

Vujicic Accommodation • Herceg Novi, Montenegro