Vujicic Accommodation • Herceg Novi, Montenegro

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Home >> Travel information

If you choose to travel by car, you can find information on the best routes for travel here. In addition, take a look at the extract of the official traffic law of Montenegro.
If you prefer to use other means of transport, please refer to the information on bus- and aero-transport.

Travel info:


You do NOT need a green card to enter Montenegro by car.
In addition, you do NOT need an international driver's licence, nor the licence to drive a car that is not officially registered to your name. Instead, if the official owner is not in the car with you, you DO NEED a permit, written and signed by the official owner, and sealed by your local city council.


You are NOT obliged by law to pay any kind of eco tax prior to entering Montenegro by car.
Namely, the eco tax payment has been legally abolished and it is not charged at any border crossing to Montenegro since 1st of January 2012.


According to the food safety law of Montenegro, the restricted amounts of food at border crossings across Montenegro, per single vehicle, are:
1 kg of dried fruits, vegetables, cheese, coffee, tea, spices.
1 l of alcoholic beverages, 2 l of juice and 5 l of bottled water - within their own original packaging.


Presenting your personal id document and your passport is required to cross the border by all means.
Minors (under 18 years of age) traveling with a parent, require a document that proves their identity. Schoolchildren require a personal document with a photo - school id card, passport, personal id, etc.
Children of a preschool age require a personal identification document without a photo, such as the birth certificate, health care id card, traveling document, etc.
In case of minors traveling without their parents or guardians, a notarized parental letter of consent (by both parents/guardians) is needed.

Travel information Travel around Herceg Novi

Vujicic Accommodation • Herceg Novi, Montenegro